



  立思辰留学360表示,1 面试之前一定要对学校做充分的了解,比如学校地理位置,建校年份,师生比例,课程设置,课外活动,学校的优势等等,可以通过查询学校的官网了解,这样可以让校方觉得你是真正对这所学校感兴趣,是真的想去这所学校。

  2 仔细阅读你的申请简历,比如自己有写到哪些兴趣爱好,特长,获奖等等,当校方问到相关问题的时候,你回答的内容应该是跟简历上相符的,否则会有弄虚作假的嫌疑。

  3 表现自然,不要紧张,因为面试本来就是一个交流,是一个谈话,校方是想看看你的真实想法和沟通能力,而不是想要用多深奥的问题难住你,所以不要过于紧张,尽力发挥就可以了,不要给人留下背答案的感觉。

  4 如果是面对面的面试则需注意自己的着装,礼仪等细节,这也是面试中相当重要的一环。

  5 面试结束后,应尽快给校方面谈者发一封感谢性的电子邮件,以示礼节性。



  1 学生的学术背景以及之前就读的学校。比如How would you describe your school?/ Who is your favorite teacher? Why? /What is your favorite subject? Why?

  2 学生的个人生活。比如Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?/ What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?/ What person has most influenced you in your life?

  3 课外活动,兴趣爱好。比如What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?/ Do you have any hobbies or special interests?

  4 关于你选择的学校或美国的教育制度。比如What is of the most interest to you about our school?/ How would you describe American high school? / How would you adjust to a different educational system?

  另外,在校方问完问题后,你也可以向校方提出问题,以表示对学校的关心及兴趣,比如可以问问学校的学生群体怎样,How would you describe the student body?或者有些什么注意事项Are there any major issues concerning my candidacy that you think I could usefully address before I finish my interview?等等。



  Why do you want to study in USA?

  your parents, your life, your school

  How long have you study English?

  Have you read any English novels?

  Have you learned any courses in English?

  Do you need financial aid for your study?

  How much financial aid do you want for your study?

  Do you expect any financial aid in your future study?

  How long can your family support you to study in USA?

  Who will take care of you in USA?

  Who will be your guardian in USA?

  Do you have any relatives or family friends in USA?

  What do you do in your spare time?

  What sports do you play or like?

  What interests do you have except your class work?

  What makes you choose our school?

  Why do you want to choose our school?

  How do you find our school?

  What makes you interested in our school?

  What makes you unique?/What will you bring to the school community?

  What do you want to do when you grow up? What do you want to study in college?

  Questions to ask interviewer?

  What is educational goal of your school?

  What kind of students do your school most like?

  How many international students do your school have and how are they doing?

  How many honor or AP classes do your school provide?

  How many students are there in each class?

  Any questions that you feel interested, the more the better.



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